A fellowship designed specifically for AAPI college students to explore the topic of mental wellness in their communities, focusing on:
Meet the Fellows
Fellowship Resources
Workshop 1: Are AAPIs the Model Minority?
Understanding the origins and impact of the model minority myth. How does this stereotype harm AAPIs, especially our most vulnerable populations? How does it harm other minority groups? How did we see this play out during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Workshop 2: Cultural Factors + Barriers to Mental Health in AAPI Communities
Panel event; no recording available for privacy of participating students, thank you for understanding
Workshop 3: Understanding and Coping with Mental Health Disorders
Getting down to the basics of psychoeducation: What are the common mental health disorders that afflict our communities? What are ways of coping with mental health distress, such as depressive thinking or anxiety?
Workshop 4: Defining "Success" for AAPI College Students
We get all sorts of messaging about "success" growing up, whether it's from our families, our teachers, or the mainstream media. Is there a right way to think about "success" as young AAPIs? How do we make sense of these difficult or potentially competing ideals and think about what success means to us?
As the Fellowship progresses, we will do our best to make select workshop resources available to other students who are similarly interested in these topics of AAPI mental health. All materials made public by Collected will be posted below.
Program assessments are developed in partnership with the NYU Department of Applied Psychology. Service learning project carried out in partnership with the NYU Department of Population Health.
This program is funded in part by the CAMS-CAIPA Community Fund.
Visit www.collected.nyc to learn more about Collected’s mission and programs.